
Conference Features Exciting Tech Projects for Missions

At the recent Indigitous Addis event, it was my joy to coordinate our projects time. Many participants have been asking for the presentations and learning from this rich time together.

1. Mapping measurements

Outcome: After 6 hours you will have utilized the Ushahidi and their Crowdmap platform to build a place that combines ministry measurements with personal coaching to help disciples take the best next steps in his or her journey of faith.

Group 1 Presentation

2. Social Media Urban Church Planting

Outcome: After 6 hours you will have designed a social media strategy to a) identify persons of peace among young professionals living in an urban African environment and b) continue to train these identified leaders to launch churches and spiritual movements. Watch an example from Leuven, Belgium.

Group 2 Presentation

3. Student Ministry campus/country Digital Launch

Outcome: After 6 hours you will designed a social media strategy to a) identify persons of peace among university students where there is no ministry and b) continue to train these identified leaders to launch spiritual movements on their campus. Watch an example from Leuven, Belgium.

Smile La Reunion – Open Facebook Group
Smile Djibouti – Closed Facebook Group
Smile Lesotho – Open Facebook Group

4. GodTools – Global Marketing Plan for new languages

Outcome: After 6 hours you will have helped the GodTools app take the next step in its maturity process by developing/launching a global marketing plan to achieve 250,000 downloads between Indigitous Addis and June 12.

Group 4 Presentation

To spread the word, everyone is encouraged to tweet the following:
“The best news in world is now available in 15 languages, download GodTools now

Participants may also want to contribute to the following projects:

5. Kolo App

Outcome: After 6 hours you will have helped the Kolo app take the next step in its adoption process by developing/launching a marketing plan to increase use of the Kolo app across Africa.

Training presentation that was created.
KoloApp promo video

6. Watch-Think-Chat Africa

Outcome: After 6 hours you will have created a digital evangelistic experience in your language built around the #FallingPlates video. You can take this back and run a Digital Day of Outreach with your church and ministry.

Group 6 Presentation

7. 90-day digital strategy plan

Outcome: After 6 hours you will have created and started to implement a 90-day digital strategy for your church.

Group 7 Presentation

8. Make a short film

Outcome: After 6 hours you will have created a short film to promote the Africa-wide Deep Life initiative.


9. Indigitous Addis Documentary

Outcome: After 6 hours you will have created a short video and/or photo slideshow showcasing a behind-the-scenes look at the Indigitous Addis conferences. You will interview and/or photograph participants to capture the essence of the event.

You can watch the produced documentary here:

10. World Cup 2014 Digital Evangelism Campaign

Outcome: After 6 hours you will have designed a social media strategy that will attract 10 million Africans to watch and be given the opportunity for further discipleship by African churches and ministries.

Group 10 presentation

11. Church Online and Podcasting

Outcome: After 6 hours you will have completed a comprehensive guide for churches and ministries that want to start using online church platforms and/or podcasting. You’ll develop a basic starter kit for someone in Africa who wants to get started in this area.

The group used the GCX platform to create a model site.
Presentation – COMING SOON!

12. DEEP LIFE Digital Strategy

Outcome: After 6 hours you will have designed the digital strategy that complements the Deep Life campaign for Southern and Eastern Africa.

There was not enough interest to do this project.

13. TheLife App

Outcome: After 6 hours you will have determined if (a) TheLife App could be a useful tool for the Deep Life campaign and (b) which evangelism and discipleship resources could be used in the app for the Deep Life campaign.

There was not enough interest to do this project.

 14. GodTools Feature Phone

Development continues here: