Ken Cochrum is the team leader for CCCi Digital Strategies and @INDIGITOUS. Ken is a follower of Jesus who is a passionate husband, dad and cyclist. As part of his servant leader-in-training, he regularly blogs at On Leading Well.
Currently my team has a list of 20 good opportunities and requests we are considering. To stay in the middle of the digital current swirling around us, we have committed to these four criteria before jumping in.
1. Content is still king and it has to be good, fresh, and passionate.
2. Platform is queen. Do you want to have a shop in the forest or a kiosk at the center of the mall? You have to be present where people are already living online.
3. Leadership Intentionality means you have to have people committed to getting you there… and keeping you there.
4. Tribe represents the audience that you are producing content for and leading somewhere.
Which criteria have you have given the least effort to figuring out?