Editor’s note: The following story comes from a sensitive country in the Middle East. All names have been changed for security purposes.
By an anonymous author
“I do not like my life. I need to change,” Marta cried into the phone, speaking with an online missionary.
After leaving her husband, Marta moved in with another man — two things that are taboo in her Middle Eastern culture. Facing social rejection and feeling shame, Marta tuned in to a Church Online. From her TV screen, she heard the truth about Jesus. God’s love for her and His offer of a new life were exactly what she needed to hear.
Marta dialed the number on her screen to speak with an online missionary dedicated to connecting with people who take part in the online church services.
Church Online is a strategic outreach broadcasting a weekly Arabic church service online and via satellite TV for people who can’t otherwise gather in worship. With 200,000 viewers for each episode of Church Online through TV and internet broadcasts, the power of God’s salvation is being made evident to people like Marta, whose hearts are yearning for hope and truth.
For two hours Marta shared, cried, and prayed with the person on the other end of the telephone.
That day she invited Jesus into her life.
Since then, Marta has maintained daily contact with the online missionaries at Church Online. They are going through discipleship material with her and have connected her to a local church that she can attend in person.
In faith, Marta decided to leave the man she was living with and now wants to be baptized as an expression of her commitment to following Christ. We look forward to seeing how God will use Marta’s changed life as a witness to those around her.
Write the vision; make it plain on tablets, so he may run who reads it. (Habakkuk 2:2)
- With digital, there are no more “closed countries.” Consider how an online church can reach the people God has put on your heart.