
How the yesHEis App Can Help You Share Your Testimony


For Christians, whether you are new to the faith or have been walking with God for a while, spiritual growth is vital. It’s an important part of your relationship with Christ and it is through your own spiritual growth that you will share the Good News with others.

The majority of Christians don’t share their faith with others because they lack confidence, feel like they don’t know enough, or don’t know what to say. The yesHEis app from CV is one great tool that can help with that. Once you download the app and create a profile, you are given access to a library of content to help with your growth. The library is broken up into four parts:

  • Foundations
  • Articles
  • Q&As
  • Challenges
yesHEis library

Foundations: Learn the Basics

If you haven’t shared your faith before or aren’t comfortable doing so, Foundations is a great place to start. Here you will find 3 curated articles:

  • Why Share Jesus?
  • How to Share Jesus?
  • Can yesHEis Help?

These articles are intended to give you the foundational knowledge you need to get stated sharing your faith. But maybe you still don’t feel comfortable. Once you’ve gone through these, the next step is to read articles that will help you grow in confidence.

Articles: Grow in Confidence

This section of the app has numerous articles to help you build your confidence. Some are inspiring, such as the story of someone who prayed for his friend for years before finally starting a spiritual conversation. Some offer specific tips, such as how to listen well or writing your testimony. Each of the articles is short enough to read in one sitting on your phone. Through the app, you can share the articles, comment, and engage in discussions with other yesHEis users.

Q&As: Share your Thoughts

yesHEis Q&A

The Q&As section has a lot of thought-provoking questions. You can use them for your own personal reflection, to formulate an outreach strategy, or as an ice-breaker to share with someone else. As with the articles, you can share and comment on these within the yesHEis community.


yesHEis Challenge

Once you’ve gone through the rest, it’s time to challenge yourself. Currently, the app has a 7-day challenge. Choose a friend who you would like to reach and create your own plan of action for reaching that person. You’ll receive daily reminders from the app related to your challenge and you can check off the action points as you complete them.

The yesHEis app also has a Life on Mission plan that you can customize for yourself, but we’ll discuss that at a later time. For now, if you have never tried the app, download it and give it a try. Let us know if you find the content helpful.