Working in digital ministry with the Great Commission Movement of Liberia, the COVID-19 pandemic forced my team to shift from meeting in person to assembling digitally. As a ministry, the shift was quick-witted. Our team improved on existing resources to fit the current realities.
Family ministry over Zoom
As a result of our prayer and searching, my team leader, Wolobah, and I worked together on a new strategy to reach families and help strengthen marriages in Liberia using Zoom. Currently, he and his wife are coordinating three groups with more than ten couples. “Our sessions on writing love letters were very exciting,” Wolobah says. An excited participant of the Zoom meetings says, “I am going to put this letter I am reading here in our room so my wife can see it daily!” The ministry in Liberia has since coached a Family Life leader in Togo to start a similar initiative on Zoom.
Praying in WhatsApp
In the prayer movement, our prayer coordinator and I created a WhatsApp group. Through this group, we connect with long time intercessors, people respond instantly to prayer points when they are raised, and the sense of community continues to grow from the group. The WhatsApp group has 49 intercessors interceding daily.
Sharing testimony over video
We started a campaign to share hope stories, talking about life before and after meeting Jesus. A short video about Clara’s testimony has been seen by 421 people, with many engaging in conversations about how she made this shift in her life. We pray that some will come to know Jesus through Clara’s story.
Online Conference

One of the biggest shifts was Legacy 2020, a national conference for students and professionals. For over 15 years this conference has met in person. This year, we held the conference over three days on Zoom and broadcasted it live on Tamma TV in Libera and Facebook Live. The results were exceedingly abundant. More than 100 participants connected from nine countries, with many coming from Liberia and Sierra Leone. We had at least 5,000 people following the conference daily on Tamma TV in Liberia and several others following on Facebook.
At the end of the conference, 33 people made decisions to help fulfill the Great Commission in different ways, with three committing to full-time ministry with our team. Five people also rededicated their lives to Jesus Christ. “I learned that mission is important and needs to be supported by Church leaders. I was also encouraged to be a missionary. I want to start my mission life because I feel that God is calling me into it,” says one participant.
Editor’s note: If you need to pivot in your digital strategies or get started for the first time in digital missions, sign up for our email list, where we send tips, best practices, and stories of digital missions in practice.