By now we hope you’ve heard about the Indigitous #HACK event taking place in locations all around the world. Maybe you’ve thought about going, but you’re not sure if it’s worth your time. Let us tell you — it is. Here’s why I’m excited to go:
It’s exciting!
Experience the energy of hundreds of people working towards a common goal together in multiple locations all at once. It’s going to be a gathering of creative, innovative, like-minded people from around the world. You don’t want to miss an event of this scope! Plus, it’s fun. We have prizes (and you can expect some cool swag, too).
It’s global
Sometimes innovation doesn’t scale because it’s too localized; events like #HACK give you a global network where you can connect with friends and colleagues from all over. You’ll gain a broader perspective and be able to contribute your unique location’s perspective as well.
You’ll meet new people
Let’s face it — the digital world can be lonely, and sometimes your friends just don’t understand when you start talking code. The people at Indigitous #HACK do. Meet other locals and people from around the globe who share your gifts and passions. As you work through the challenges, you will be side by side with a team of people like you. This allows you to get to know them in a deeper way. Hopefully you will even find someone who could work on future projects with you.
You’ll grow in your skills
This is a chance not only to use skills that you have, but also to learn new skills in a short period of time. You will run into things at a hackathon that are difficult and challenging for sure. As a group, you will all learn and grow in new skills that you haven’t had to put into practice ever before.
You’ll make a difference
God gave you certain skills and interests, but have you been able to use those for something of great significance? We know you want to use your digital skills for projects that matter, but it can be hard to find them. At the #HACK event, we will create tangible products that have missional value to change lives and bring hope to people.
You’re going to be up coding all night anyway . . .
You might as well do it with others, collaborating on challenges that will have a broader reach than what you can produce on your own.
You love digital ministry
Ok, so maybe you’re not the late night coder, but you love what God is doing in the digital space. Come witness and experience a global event of people creating the next generation of digital tools and be part of shaping that future with whatever you have to offer.
You can register for Indigitous #HACK here.