
Indigitous # Cape Town


Cape Town

At Indigitous # Cape Town 2015 the focus will be on a tool you use every day – your cellphone. We spend so much time on our phones – working, playing and socializing. What about using it as a tool to be a witness for Christ? Join us at Indigitous # Cape Town 2015 to learn how to be more effective on social media, see what apps are available to share your faith and discover resources that will help you to be a disciple maker. And you can do all of this through your phone!

Indigitous # Cape Town is an initiative of the Digital Strategies ministry of Campus Crusade for Christ in the Western Cape. This strategy is for everyone – the student, the filmmaker, programmer or even stay-at-home moms – our desire is to network and learn together how to impact our cities, countries and world with the gospel of Jesus.

Date: Saturday 21 November 2015

Time: 9:00 to 15:00

Venue: Sunclare Building, 21 Dreyer st, Claremont, Cape Town.

Cost:   R150.00 ( including lunch and tea breaks)

Click Here to register (Please pay on arrival)

Hosted by Digital Strategies, Campus Crusade for Christ South Africa



Japie Swanepoel


Founder of Interactive Concepts

Currently resides in: Western Cape, South Africa

Born in South Africa

I am passionate about educating students and brands alike about the power and influence of the internet. I lecture part time at the Tsiba University and regularly host internet workshops throughout South Africa, as well as in Kenya and Zimbabwe. I launched Digital4Christ in 2011 in order to help Christian organisations utilise the internet more efficiently.

I am also the founder of BeingSam an initiative which aims to help South African men lead active and healthier lifestyles. In 2012 I served as a judge for the PICA awards. Mountain biking, trail running and traveling in Africa all compete for my time, when I am not helping organisations get the best out of the internet.

Business Address

Big Bay, Cape Town, South Africa

Ian Walton



With so many people in the world connected online, we’ve created yesHEis to help Christians share their faith in Jesus. Search and discover an increasingly rich and diverse resource of media that you can freely share via many of your social networks.