In this digital age, gaming is a prominent activity among the youth yet it is often frowned upon by the church.
Can gaming and faith co-exist? Do you feel a disconnect between your faith and gaming? Could gaming be your mission field?
Come join us to build a safe space for Christian gamers to fellowship and dialogue about gaming and faith.
Facilitators: Ruth Lim (eSports coach at soos.oio) and Poh Xing Yong (Assoc Psychologist at Comeback)
Date: 24 July, 10 – 11.30PM (Singapore Time)
Where: Discord
Price: Free!
These workshops are hosted by City Revival – an inter-generational and inter-denominational Christian community based in Singapore with a desire to train up revivalists to bring transformation to their God-given spheres of influence as a lifestyle. We seek to empower and give Christians the platform, guidance, and resources they need to create content centered around sports, arts, and media to further God’s kingdom.