
Patterns of Online Communities

Indigitous Sessions Bret Staud Willet


Below please find the presentation from this Session.

Patterns of online communities from Indigitous

Below is a video recording of the Session.

About the Session:

On September 23, Bret Staudt Willet will show various patterns associated with online communities, including user engagement (why we shouldn’t call silent users “lurkers”), affinity spaces (why this might be a more helpful framework than “communities”), and growth (why dandelions might be the most awesome plants ever).  Bret will also describe the approach InterVarsity has decided to take toward ministry in digital spaces and will share stories of what they’re learning about gaming ministry.

About Bret:

Bret is the Director of Ministry in Digital Spaces for InterVarsity Christian Fellowship/USA, where he has served since 2003. His primary role is to “move the organization into the intersection of the spiritual and the digital in the lives of college students” through leadership, design, recruitment, and training. InterVarsity is a Christian ministry that serves over 40,000 students on over 600 campuses across the United States.