
Indigitous Mexico City Shows Human Side of Digital Missions

When I think of Indigitous, I think of a challenge to Christians to see the potential to fulfill their calling through digital strategies. It is truly exciting. Consider the possibilities that the digital world offers for reaching people for Christ. Consider how you are able to be effective in the Great Commission no matter where you are located … Amazing!

But do I fit into a movement like this? That is often the question people ask when you start to get into using digital strategies for ministry, and I was no different.

Personally, I doubted how I could get involved in a more active way in a world like this. I’m not a programmer, I have no experience with photography, and I’ve never studied anything in app development or even marketing. How could I contribute?

Indigitous Mexico City was a direct challenge to my heart.

Indigitous Mexico City

One of the benefits of technology is that it provides us with many aspects of our life, but somehow that made me feel left out; I did not feel technical enough. However, the Indigitous conference showed me that beyond the creative strategies that emerged and impressive advances that were made, you must not forget that this is about the heart.

The heart of the millions of broken people who need a Savior. The heart of us as Christians must be constantly renewed and transformed by Jesus through our personal relationship with Him, which will allow us to effectively communicate the love of God. And above all things, God’s heart that yearns deeply that every person through genuine repentance will come to know and have a personal relationship with Him.

The human side of Indigitous Mexico City reminded us of the importance of seeing the people as more than statistical figures, to see them as individuals, to recognize an elemental mandate based on love which invites us to go and make disciples, to help them know Jesus and thus achieve changed lives. This mandate from God is simply adjusted to our current digital worldview.

Indigitous Mexico City

Many parts of the conference really struck me: Veronica talking about appropriating the love God puts in our hearts for souls, genuinely loving to the point of intentionally seeking to meet our objectives. Learning to be diligent in what we do and seeing things as God does, such as when Mariana showed us the most popular apps and exhorted us to see them as evangelism tools and not mere entertainment. The importance of protecting our personal relationship with God and being diligent in our growth emphasized in talks by Ron and Gina.

Indigitous Mexico City showed me that our differences, our unique contributions, are what gives power to what we do. I am motivated to contribute as a writer to the digital world.

As I found my place in Indigitous, you can, too.

Contact the Indigitous team and realize your potential in this incredible movement, bearing in mind that the forms of sharing are many, but the message is always the same. So now are you are motivated to share Jesus with someone the next time you use your phone or computer?