These words from one of my ministry’s leaders keep reverberating in my mind: This is our time. It’s up to us. It is our responsibility to bring the Gospel to the places and people God has given us. The opportunities to use digital tools for this ministry are abundant. What will we do with them?
We don’t have to do anything. In a world that is constantly pushing information and experiences toward users, we could stop fighting for space.
But maybe all that noise isn’t what people want. Maybe they are looking for a different voice, one of hope, purpose, life, salvation. Maybe they don’t even know they are looking for it.
And we could be that voice. We could rise about the noise and say, “We are offering you something more. Something lasting. We are offering life, guidance, encouragement, hope.” It’s not easy. It requires creativity, persistence, intentionality and faith.
But we should be that voice, because God has called us to be it.
It calls to mind Esther, faced with the annihilation of her people. She had reason to stay out of the mix. But Mordecai recognized that God had put her in an opportune place.
“For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place . . . and who knows but that you have come to royal position for such a time as this?” (Esther 4:14).
It was her time. Her watch. She could make her voice heard and turn a king, save a people, influence a nation. She had a responsibility to do what she could with what God had given her. She chose to believe that there was a reason for the circumstances God had placed her in, and she made the most of them.
Will we be faithful to make the most of what God has given us? Will we fight to be the voices of hope, truth, life, rising above the noise? The world is hungry to hear it. We have the opportunity to share it.
It’s our watch.