My name is Ephrem Tesfaye, I am an electrical & computer engineer. I was very much addicted to games as a child. Now I am in a profession which I aspired to be as a child. Yes, I am a software/game developer.
A few months ago I developed an android game called “Gursha”. It is an Ethiopian flavored Game. In this game I added some advertisements & tested it for 5 days, within this days more than 600 ads were served & more than 300 ads were active (clicked). This showed me that there is a great potential in using mobile platforms and also that there is so much need for a localized content (software).
In Ethiopia alone there are more than 27million mobile users. Amongst this users 80% use feature Phones, by the way that’s a huge number. And it dawned on me that there is no Amharic Bible available for feature phones even though there was so much need for it. Immediately I started to develop Amharic Bible App & finished it within one month time. In the development period I had to check the 1189 chapters of the Bible again and again so that the Bible didn’t have any bugs.
I released the app on May 14, 2014 on HabeshaGames and within half day there were more than 500 downloads. HabeshaGames is an Ethiopian app store that targets feature phones & android Phones.
In Africa alone there are more than 700 million mobile phone users and still most of them use feature phones. Knowing that there are a lot of African countries that need the Bible on feature phones, makes this project to extend further & further. So if you like to get in touch & make available the life changing Bible in your own country dialect, Please don’t hesitate to contact me.
Ephrem was one of the speakers and showcased his Amharic Bible feature phone app at the recent Indigitous Addis event. You can contact Ephrem here: