
Missions on Social Media Prepares Expedition Teams for Trip

On the Journey Croatia
Indigitous has the privilege of learning with a few mission teams sent to the nations. Over the next few weeks, we will be checking in with them to see how it is going and what they are learning. 

 On the Journey Croatia

On the Journey in Croatia

by Kayla Tronvold (read more on her blog)

As the Expedition Teams set out this fall, we were all relying on digital strategies to help us make the most of our three or four weeks in a city. Through trial and error, we have slowly begun to understand what it looks like to use digital strategies in our ministry.

Once Team Alpha arrived in Rijeka, Croatia (our fourth city), we realized that ministry would look drastically different here. There were challenges in connecting with churches and local believers, so we landed with no contacts. Thankfully, digital strategies has provided us with contact information for over 50 students across the country.

The Digital Strategies team developed an online survey asking students about their spiritual journey. In previous cities, the intention was to give away one mountain bike, but this month, the incentive for students is a drawing for a free iPad.

Our team advertised the survey through Facebook. In just two weeks, over 6,173 individuals saw our ad and the page hosting it (Every Student Rijeka). More than 95 students have taken the survey and provided us with their spiritual beliefs and contact information. And this only cost us $25 (plus the iPad)!

Our campaign was originally meant to target only individuals in our city, but students across the country have responded. Thankfully, there are university movements in the other two major cities and we are thankful to the staff members who have agreed to connect with those contacts interested in hearing the good news of Jesus or being involved in spreading the gospel at their university.

Through the responses, we are learning that many students are not interested in God, but we are grateful for the opportunity to connect with more students than we could have solely by going onto campus. God is at work here, and we have been blessed by the survey and contact information for many students.

We look forward to continue using digital strategies and surveys to reach more students in our future cities!

Does this sound awesome?

Cru sponsors these trips. Check out all their options here.

Follow along with the team on their Facebook page, and learn about their mission in the Prezi below.

updated Facebook ad results 1/21/2014