Did you notice, the very first verse you read in the Holy Bible is about innovation? How exciting is that? The Merriam-webster dictionary defines innovation as “the introduction of something new.”
“In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth” (Genesis 1:1). That is a unique innovation with no other match. God is the creator of all things and we are His creation. He inspires us to be creative as we look for and find new ways of doing things.
Gary W. Oster from Regent University writes:
“Innovation may be redemptive. Scripture and the personal experience of Christians worldwide show that God uses innovation for humans to know more of Him, to communicate with Him, and to ultimately accomplish His earthly will for mankind.
What makes innovation a Christian innovation? “Innovation is Christian when it is ultimately aligned with God’s purpose and methods,” Oster says.
It was this Youtube video above that inspired me to write this short blog post. In it, David Wesley leads many creative vocalists on Youtube to form a virtual choir.
The video description mentions that this creative work features the voices of 48 singers from 14 countries. It was a labour of love lasting 5 months, and many dozens of work hours.
This is one great example of how we can glorify God in new creative ways. We can clearly see that they put a lot of time and collaboration in to produce this amazing masterpiece.
What talent and creative ideas are buried deep inside your heart? What is holding you back from doing something about the ideas you are thinking day and night? Ideas come and go and we have limited time to execute them into reality. Innovation ideas are rarely accomplished by one person. Great innovation happens in a community.
I am assuming you know Jesus Christ and you have a personal relationship with Him. I want to encourage you today that God, who anointed Bezalel and Oholiab in Exodus 36 with skill, is still working and would fill you with the Holy Spirit to accomplish His purpose here on Earth.
If God is asking you “what’s in your hand,” what will be your answer? Is it music? Is it coding, design, or speaking? The list goes on. God deposited a talent in each one of us to accomplish His purpose here on earth. To change the world, your talent matters!
Every year in October, hundreds of creatives, innovators, strategists, and digital folks, or just anyone with a heart for missions come together to use their digital talents to solve missional challenges that would help bring the Gospel to the ends of the world with Indigitous #HACK.
Join the movement, share your talent, and help change the world!
Write the vision; make it plain on tablets, so he may run who reads it. (Habakkuk 2:2)