April 13-23, Indigitous held 4 Digital Outreach webinars, each exploring a different way to do outreach from a distance.
How to start a spiritual conversation with the Jesus Film App
Discovering someone’s story through the theme in a film is a great way to take the conversation deeper with friends. As you listen to their story, you can share your own, and connect them to the person of Christ. Here is how.
How to have a conversation about Jesus using the GodTools app
GodTools is an app that helps Christians engage anyone in a conversation about Jesus by providing tools that clearly communicate how someone begins and grows a relationship with God.
The app is completely free and available in 84 languages and counting. Here’s how to use it well.
How To Take Steps of Faith in Community
One of the webinars explored how to take steps of faith in community using the MissionHub app.
How to host a Digital Day of Outreach
Check out this guide on how to host share parties/Digital Days of Outreach. In addition, there is more information in this public collection.
If you would like coaching on how you can run a Digital Outreach – contact mel@indigitous.org OR ace@indigitous.org
Read a story on what a Digital Day of Outreach meant for a participant. See what a Digital Day of Outreach looks like in this video.